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getMousePosition() - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Returns the current mouse (x,y) screen coordinates as a Point2D.
getMouseX() - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Returns the current mouse x position in screen coordinates.
getMouseY() - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Returns the current mouse y position in screen coordinates.
getPixelColor(double, double) - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Returns the Color of the pixel at the screen coordinates relative to the primary screen specified by location.
getPixelColor(Point2D) - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Returns the Color of the pixel at the screen coordinates relative to the primary screen specified by location.
getScreenCapture(WritableImage, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Returns a WritableImage containing the specified rectangular area relative to the primary screen.
getScreenCapture(WritableImage, double, double, double, double) - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Returns a WritableImage containing the specified rectangular area relative to the primary screen.
getScreenCapture(WritableImage, Rectangle2D) - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Returns a WritableImage containing the specified rectangular area relative to the primary screen.
getScreenCapture(WritableImage, Rectangle2D, boolean) - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Returns a WritableImage containing the specified rectangular area relative to the primary screen.


javafx.scene.robot - package javafx.scene.robot


keyPress(KeyCode) - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Presses the specified KeyCode key.
keyRelease(KeyCode) - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Releases the specified KeyCode key.
keyType(KeyCode) - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Types the specified KeyCode key.


mouseClick(MouseButton...) - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Clicks the specified MouseButtons.
mouseMove(double, double) - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Moves the mouse to the specified (x,y) screen coordinates relative to the primary screen.
mouseMove(Point2D) - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Moves the mouse to the (x,y) screen coordinates, relative to the primary screen, specified by the given location.
mousePress(MouseButton...) - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Presses the specified MouseButtons.
mouseRelease(MouseButton...) - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Releases the specified MouseButtons.
mouseWheel(int) - Method in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Scrolls the mouse wheel by the specified amount of wheel clicks.


peer - Variable in class javafx.scene.robot.Robot


Robot - Class in javafx.scene.robot
A Robot is used for simulating user interaction such as typing keys on the keyboard and using the mouse as well as capturing graphical information without requiring a javafx.scene.Scene instance.
Robot() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.robot.Robot
Constructs a new Robot that can be used for simulating user interactions.
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