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absolute - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.PathElement
A flag that indicates whether the path coordinates are absolute or relative.
absoluteProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PathElement
A flag that indicates whether the path coordinates are absolute or relative.
addArcTo(NGPath, Path2D, double, double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
addDirtyRange(int, int) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh.Listener
Adds a dirty range
addNode(Node) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PathElement
addTo(NGPath) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
addTo(NGPath) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ClosePath
addTo(NGPath) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Adds the curved path element to the specified path.
addTo(NGPath) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.HLineTo
addTo(NGPath) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.LineTo
addTo(NGPath) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo
addTo(NGPath) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PathElement
addTo(NGPath) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
addTo(NGPath) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.VLineTo
Arc - Class in javafx.scene.shape
The Arc class represents a 2D arc object, defined by a center point, start angle (in degrees), angular extent (length of the arc in degrees), and an arc type (ArcType.OPEN, ArcType.CHORD, or ArcType.ROUND).
Arc() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Creates an empty instance of Arc.
Arc(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Creates a new instance of Arc.
ARC_HEIGHT - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle.StyleableProperties
ARC_WIDTH - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle.StyleableProperties
arcHeight - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Defines the vertical diameter of the arc at the four corners of the rectangle.
arcHeightProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Defines the vertical diameter of the arc at the four corners of the rectangle.
ArcTo - Class in javafx.scene.shape
A path element that forms an arc from the previous coordinates to the specified x and y coordinates using the specified radius.
ArcTo() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Creates an empty instance of ArcTo.
ArcTo(double, double, double, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Creates a new instance of ArcTo.
ArcType - Enum in javafx.scene.shape
ArcType specifies the closure type for Arc objects.
ArcType() - Constructor for enum javafx.scene.shape.ArcType
arcWidth - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Defines the horizontal diameter of the arc at the four corners of the rectangle.
arcWidthProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Defines the horizontal diameter of the arc at the four corners of the rectangle.
array - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh.Listener


Box - Class in javafx.scene.shape
The Box class defines a 3 dimensional box with the specified size.
Box() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Box
Creates a new instance of Box of dimension 2 by 2 by 2.
Box(double, double, double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Box
Creates a new instance of Box of dimension width by height by depth.
Box.BoxKey - Class in javafx.scene.shape
boxCache - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
BoxCacheLoader() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager.BoxCacheLoader
BoxKey(double, double, double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Box.BoxKey


cache - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager.TriangleMeshCache
cachedBounds - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
calculateNodeToSceneTransform(Node) - Static method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
canSetDashOffset() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
canSetLineCap() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
canSetLineJoin() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
canSetMiterLimit() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
canSetType() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
canSetWidth() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
centerX - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Defines the X coordinate of the center point of the arc.
centerX - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Defines the horizontal position of the center of the circle in pixels.
centerX - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Defines the horizontal position of the center of the ellipse in pixels.
centerXProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Defines the X coordinate of the center point of the arc.
centerXProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Defines the horizontal position of the center of the circle in pixels.
centerXProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Defines the horizontal position of the center of the ellipse in pixels.
centerY - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Defines the Y coordinate of the center point of the arc.
centerY - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Defines the vertical position of the center of the circle in pixels.
centerY - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Defines the vertical position of the center of the ellipse in pixels.
centerYProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Defines the Y coordinate of the center point of the arc.
centerYProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Defines the vertical position of the center of the circle in pixels.
centerYProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Defines the vertical position of the center of the ellipse in pixels.
checkModeChanged() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Circle - Class in javafx.scene.shape
The Circle class creates a new circle with the specified radius and center location measured in pixels.
Circle(double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Creates a new instance of Circle with a specified radius.
Circle(double, Paint) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Creates a new instance of Circle with a specified radius and fill.
Circle() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Creates an empty instance of Circle.
Circle(double, double, double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Creates a new instance of Circle with a specified position and radius.
Circle(double, double, double, Paint) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Creates a new instance of Circle with a specified position, radius and fill.
cleanCache() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager.TriangleMeshCache
clear() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager.TriangleMeshCache
ClosePath - Class in javafx.scene.shape
A path element which closes the current path.
ClosePath() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.ClosePath
Creates an empty instance of ClosePath.
computeBounds(BaseBounds) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Mesh
computeBounds(BaseBounds, BaseTransform, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Helper function for rectangular shapes such as Rectangle and Ellipse for computing their bounds.
computeBounds(BaseBounds) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
computeCentroid(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Computes the centroid of the given triangle
computeCentroid(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Computes the centroid of the given triangle
computeIntersectsFace(PickRay, Vec3d, Vec3d, int, CullFace, Node, boolean, PickResultChooser) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Computes intersection of a pick ray and a single triangle face.
computeMode() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
computeShapeBounds(BaseBounds, BaseTransform, com.sun.javafx.geom.Shape) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
computeShapeContains(double, double, com.sun.javafx.geom.Shape) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
content - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
Defines the SVG Path encoded string as specified at:
contentProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
Defines the SVG Path encoded string as specified at:
controlX - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Defines the X coordinate of the control point of the quadratic curve segment.
controlX - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Defines the X coordinate of the quadratic control point.
controlX1 - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Defines the X coordinate of the first control point of the cubic curve segment.
controlX1 - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Defines the X coordinate of the first Bézier control point.
controlX1Property() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Defines the X coordinate of the first control point of the cubic curve segment.
controlX1Property() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Defines the X coordinate of the first Bézier control point.
controlX2 - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Defines the X coordinate of the second control point of the cubic curve segment.
controlX2 - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Defines the X coordinate of the second Bézier control point.
controlX2Property() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Defines the X coordinate of the second control point of the cubic curve segment.
controlX2Property() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Defines the X coordinate of the second Bézier control point.
controlXProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Defines the X coordinate of the control point of the quadratic curve segment.
controlXProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Defines the X coordinate of the quadratic control point.
controlY - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Defines the Y coordinate of the control point of the quadratic curve segment.
controlY - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Defines the Y coordinate of the quadratic control point.
controlY1 - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Defines the Y coordinate of the first control point of the cubic curve segment.
controlY1 - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Defines the Y coordinate of the first Bézier control point.
controlY1Property() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Defines the Y coordinate of the first control point of the cubic curve segment.
controlY1Property() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Defines the Y coordinate of the first Bézier control point.
controlY2 - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Defines the Y coordinate of the second control point of the cubic curve segment.
controlY2 - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Defines the Y coordinate of the second Bézier control point.
controlY2Property() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Defines the Y coordinate of the second control point of the cubic curve segment.
controlY2Property() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Defines the Y coordinate of the second Bézier control point.
controlYProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Defines the Y coordinate of the control point of the quadratic curve segment.
controlYProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Defines the Y coordinate of the quadratic control point.
convertLineJoin(StrokeLineJoin) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
convertLineJoin(StrokeLineJoin) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
convertLineJoin(StrokeLineJoin) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
convertLineJoin(StrokeLineJoin) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
correctDivisions(int) - Static method in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
createFromGeomShape(com.sun.javafx.geom.Shape) - Static method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
createMesh(float, float, float) - Static method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
createMesh(int, float, float) - Static method in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
createMesh(int, float) - Static method in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
createSVGPath2D() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
createSVGPathObject() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
createTransformedArea(com.sun.javafx.geom.Shape, BaseTransform) - Static method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
cssDashArray - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
cssDashArrayProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
CubicCurve - Class in javafx.scene.shape
The CubiCurve class defines a cubic Bézier parametric curve segment in (x,y) coordinate space.
CubicCurve() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Creates an empty instance of CubicCurve.
CubicCurve(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Creates a new instance of CubicCurve.
CubicCurveTo - Class in javafx.scene.shape
Creates a curved path element, defined by three new points, by drawing a Cubic Bézier curve that intersects both the current coordinates and the specified coordinates (x,y), using the specified points (controlX1,controlY1) and (controlX2,controlY2) as Bézier control points.
CubicCurveTo() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Creates an empty instance of CubicCurveTo.
CubicCurveTo(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Creates a new instance of CubicCurveTo.
CullFace - Enum in javafx.scene.shape
Face culling setting for use with Shape3D.cullFace
CullFace() - Constructor for enum javafx.scene.shape.CullFace
cullFace - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
Defines the cullFace this Shape3D.
cullFaceProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
Defines the cullFace this Shape3D.
Cylinder - Class in javafx.scene.shape
The Cylinder class defines a 3 dimensional cylinder with the specified size.
Cylinder() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
Creates a new instance of Cylinder of radius of 1.0 and height of 2.0.
Cylinder(double, double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
Creates a new instance of Cylinder of a given radius and height.
Cylinder(double, double, int) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
Creates a new instance of Cylinder of a given radius, height, and divisions.
Cylinder.CylinderKey - Class in javafx.scene.shape
cylinderCache - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
CylinderCacheLoader() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager.CylinderCacheLoader
CylinderKey(double, double, int) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder.CylinderKey


dashArray - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
dashArrayProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
dashOffset - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
dashOffsetProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
decRef() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
DEFAULT_DIVISIONS - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
DEFAULT_DIVISIONS - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
DEFAULT_HEIGHT - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
DEFAULT_MATERIAL - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
DEFAULT_PG_STROKE_DASH_ARRAY - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
DEFAULT_RADIUS - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
DEFAULT_RADIUS - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
DEFAULT_SIZE - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
DEFAULT_STROKE_DASH_OFFSET - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
DEFAULT_STROKE_LINE_CAP - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
DEFAULT_STROKE_LINE_JOIN - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
DEFAULT_STROKE_MITER_LIMIT - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
DEFAULT_STROKE_TYPE - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
DEFAULT_STROKE_WIDTH - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
depth - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Box.BoxKey
depth - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
Defines the depth or the Z dimension of the Box.
depthProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
Defines the depth or the Z dimension of the Box.
dirty - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Mesh
dirty - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh.Listener
dirtyInFull - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh.Listener
Array was replaced
dirtyProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Mesh
dirtyRangeFrom - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh.Listener
dirtyRangeLength - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh.Listener
dispose() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
divisions - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder.CylinderKey
divisions - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
divisions - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
divisions - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere.SphereKey
doAddTo(Path2D) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
doAddTo(Path2D) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ClosePath
doAddTo(Path2D) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
doAddTo(Path2D) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.HLineTo
doAddTo(Path2D) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.LineTo
doAddTo(Path2D) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo
doAddTo(Path2D) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
doAddTo(Path2D) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.VLineTo
doComputeContains(double, double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
doComputeContains(double, double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
doComputeContains(double, double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MeshView
doComputeContains(double, double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
doComputeContains(double, double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
doComputeContains(double, double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
doComputeGeomBounds(BaseBounds, BaseTransform) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
doComputeGeomBounds(BaseBounds, BaseTransform) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
doComputeGeomBounds(BaseBounds, BaseTransform) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
doComputeGeomBounds(BaseBounds, BaseTransform) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
doComputeGeomBounds(BaseBounds, BaseTransform) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
doComputeGeomBounds(BaseBounds, BaseTransform) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MeshView
doComputeGeomBounds(BaseBounds, BaseTransform) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
doComputeGeomBounds(BaseBounds, BaseTransform) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Polyline
doComputeGeomBounds(BaseBounds, BaseTransform) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
doComputeGeomBounds(BaseBounds, BaseTransform) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
doComputeGeomBounds(BaseBounds, BaseTransform) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
doComputeGeomBounds(BaseBounds, BaseTransform) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
doComputeIntersects(PickRay, PickResultChooser) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
doComputeIntersects(PickRay, PickResultChooser) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
doComputeIntersects(PickRay, PickResultChooser) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MeshView
doComputeIntersects(PickRay, PickResultChooser) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
doComputeIntersects(PickRay, PickResultChooser, Node, CullFace, boolean) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
doComputeLayoutBounds() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
doConfigShape() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
doConfigShape() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
doConfigShape() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
doConfigShape() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
doConfigShape() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
doConfigShape() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
doConfigShape() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
doConfigShape() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Polyline
doConfigShape() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
doConfigShape() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
doConfigShape() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
doCreatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
doCreatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
doCreatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
doCreatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
doCreatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
doCreatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
doCreatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
doCreatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MeshView
doCreatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
doCreatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
doCreatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Polyline
doCreatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
doCreatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
doCreatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
doCreatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
doCssGetFillInitialValue() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
* Stylesheet Handling * *
doCssGetFillInitialValue() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
* Stylesheet Handling * *
doCssGetFillInitialValue() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Polyline
* Stylesheet Handling * *
doCssGetFillInitialValue() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
* Stylesheet Handling * *
doCssGetStrokeInitialValue() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
Some sub-class of Shape, such as Line, override the default value for the Shape.stroke property.
doCssGetStrokeInitialValue() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
doCssGetStrokeInitialValue() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Polyline
doCssGetStrokeInitialValue() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
doMarkDirty(DirtyBits) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MeshView
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Polyline
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
doUpdatePeer() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
DrawMode - Enum in javafx.scene.shape
Defines how the polygon is drawn when use with Shape3D.drawMode
DrawMode() - Constructor for enum javafx.scene.shape.DrawMode
drawMode - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
Defines the draw mode used to render this Shape3D.
drawModeProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
Defines the draw mode used to render this Shape3D.


elements - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
Defines the array of path elements of this path.
Ellipse - Class in javafx.scene.shape
The Ellipse class creates a new ellipse with the specified size and location in pixels
Ellipse() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Creates an empty instance of Ellipse.
Ellipse(double, double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Creates an instance of Ellipse of the given size.
Ellipse(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Creates an instance of Ellipse of the given position and size.
endX - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Defines the X coordinate of the end point of the cubic curve segment.
endX - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
The X coordinate of the end point of the line segment.
endX - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Defines the X coordinate of the end point of the quadratic curve segment.
endXProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Defines the X coordinate of the end point of the cubic curve segment.
endXProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
The X coordinate of the end point of the line segment.
endXProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Defines the X coordinate of the end point of the quadratic curve segment.
endY - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Defines the Y coordinate of the end point of the cubic curve segment.
endY - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
The Y coordinate of the end point of the line segment.
endY - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Defines the Y coordinate of the end point of the quadratic curve segment.
endYProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Defines the Y coordinate of the end point of the cubic curve segment.
endYProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
The Y coordinate of the end point of the line segment.
endYProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Defines the Y coordinate of the end point of the quadratic curve segment.
equals(Object) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box.BoxKey
equals(Object) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder.CylinderKey
equals(Object) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D.Key
equals(Object) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere.SphereKey


faces - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
faceSmoothingGroups - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
faceSmoothingGroupsSyncer - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
facesSyncer - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
fill - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Defines parameters to fill the interior of an Shape using the settings of the Paint context.
FILL - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StyleableProperties
fillProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Defines parameters to fill the interior of an Shape using the settings of the Paint context.
FillRule - Enum in javafx.scene.shape
The fill rule for determining the interior of the path.
FillRule() - Constructor for enum javafx.scene.shape.FillRule
fillRule - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
Defines the filling rule constant for determining the interior of the path.
fillRule - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
Defines the filling rule constant for determining the interior of the path.
fillRuleProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
Defines the filling rule constant for determining the interior of the path.
fillRuleProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
Defines the filling rule constant for determining the interior of the path.


get(Shape3D.Key) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager.TriangleMeshCache
getArcHeight() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Gets the value of the property arcHeight.
getArcWidth() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Gets the value of the property arcWidth.
getBoxMesh(float, float, float, Shape3D.Key) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
getCenterX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Gets the value of the property centerX.
getCenterX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Gets the value of the property centerX.
getCenterX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Gets the value of the property centerX.
getCenterY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Gets the value of the property centerY.
getCenterY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Gets the value of the property centerY.
getCenterY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Gets the value of the property centerY.
getClassCssMetaData() - Static method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
getClassCssMetaData() - Static method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
getContent() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
Gets the value of the property content.
getControlX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Gets the value of the property controlX.
getControlX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Gets the value of the property controlX.
getControlX1() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Gets the value of the property controlX1.
getControlX1() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Gets the value of the property controlX1.
getControlX2() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Gets the value of the property controlX2.
getControlX2() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Gets the value of the property controlX2.
getControlY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Gets the value of the property controlY.
getControlY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Gets the value of the property controlY.
getControlY1() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Gets the value of the property controlY1.
getControlY1() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Gets the value of the property controlY1.
getControlY2() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Gets the value of the property controlY2.
getControlY2() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Gets the value of the property controlY2.
getCssMetaData() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
getCssMetaData() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
getCullFace() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
Gets the value of the property cullFace.
getCylinderMesh(float, float, int, Shape3D.Key) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
getDashOffset() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
Gets the value of the property dashOffset.
getDepth() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
Gets the value of the property depth.
getDivisions() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
Retrieves the divisions attribute use to generate this cylinder.
getDivisions() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
Retrieves the divisions attribute use to generate this sphere.
getDrawMode() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
Gets the value of the property drawMode.
getElements() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
Gets observable list of path elements of this path.
getEndX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Gets the value of the property endX.
getEndX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
Gets the value of the property endX.
getEndX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Gets the value of the property endX.
getEndY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Gets the value of the property endY.
getEndY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
Gets the value of the property endY.
getEndY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Gets the value of the property endY.
getFaceElementSize() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Returns the number of elements that represents a face.
getFaces() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Gets the faces array, indices into the points, normals (optional, if it is a VertexFormat.POINT_NORMAL_TEXCOORD mesh) and texCoords arrays, of this TriangleMesh.
getFaceSmoothingGroups() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Gets the faceSmoothingGroups array of this TriangleMesh.
getFill() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Gets the value of the property fill.
getFillRule() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
Gets the value of the property fillRule.
getFillRule() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
Gets the value of the property fillRule.
getHeight() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
Gets the value of the property height.
getHeight() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
Gets the value of the property height.
getHeight() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Gets the value of the property height.
getInstance() - Static method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
getLength() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Gets the value of the property length.
getLineCap() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
Gets the value of the property lineCap.
getLineJoin() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
Gets the value of the property lineJoin.
getMaterial() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
Gets the value of the property material.
getMesh() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MeshView
Gets the value of the property mesh.
getMiterLimit() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
Gets the value of the property miterLimit.
getMode() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
getNormalElementSize() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Returns the number of elements that represents a normal.
getNormalElementSize() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
getNormalIndexOffset() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
Returns the index offset in the face array of the normal component within a vertex.
getNormals() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Gets the normals array of this TriangleMesh.
getPGMesh() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Mesh
getPGMesh() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
getPGTriangleMesh() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
getPointElementSize() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Returns the number of elements that represents a point.
getPointElementSize() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
getPointIndexOffset() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
Returns the index offset in the face array of the point component within a vertex.
getPoints() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
Gets the coordinates of the Polygon vertices.
getPoints() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Polyline
Gets the coordinates of the PolyLine segments.
getPoints() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Gets the points array of this TriangleMesh.
getRadius() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Gets the value of the property radius.
getRadius() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
Gets the value of the property radius.
getRadius() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
Gets the value of the property radius.
getRadiusX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Gets the value of the property radiusX.
getRadiusX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Gets the value of the property radiusX.
getRadiusX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Gets the value of the property radiusX.
getRadiusY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Gets the value of the property radiusY.
getRadiusY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Gets the value of the property radiusY.
getRadiusY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Gets the value of the property radiusY.
getRefCount() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
getSphereMesh(float, int, Shape3D.Key) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
getStartAngle() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Gets the value of the property startAngle.
getStartX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Gets the value of the property startX.
getStartX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
Gets the value of the property startX.
getStartX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Gets the value of the property startX.
getStartY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Gets the value of the property startY.
getStartY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
Gets the value of the property startY.
getStartY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Gets the value of the property startY.
getStroke() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Gets the value of the property stroke.
getStrokeAttributes() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
getStrokeDashArray() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Defines the array representing the lengths of the dash segments.
getStrokeDashOffset() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Gets the value of the property strokeDashOffset.
getStrokeLineCap() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Gets the value of the property strokeLineCap.
getStrokeLineJoin() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Gets the value of the property strokeLineJoin.
getStrokeMiterLimit() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Gets the value of the property strokeMiterLimit.
getStrokeType() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Gets the value of the property strokeType.
getStrokeWidth() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Gets the value of the property strokeWidth.
getTexCoordElementSize() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Returns the number of elements that represents a texture coordinates.
getTexCoordElementSize() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
getTexCoordIndexOffset() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
Returns the index offset in the face array of the texture coordinates component within a vertex.
getTexCoords() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Gets the texCoords array of this TriangleMesh.
getTransformedArea() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
getTransformedArea(BaseTransform) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
getType() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Gets the value of the property type.
getType() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
Gets the value of the property type.
getTypeInternal() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
getVertexFormat() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Gets the value of the property vertexFormat.
getVertexIndexSize() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
Returns the number of component indices that represents a vertex.
getWidth() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
Gets the value of the property width.
getWidth() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Gets the value of the property width.
getWidth() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
Gets the value of the property width.
getX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Gets the value of the property x.
getX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Gets the value of the property x.
getX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.HLineTo
Gets the value of the property x.
getX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.LineTo
Gets the value of the property x.
getX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo
Gets the value of the property x.
getX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Gets the value of the property x.
getX() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Gets the value of the property x.
getXAxisRotation() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Gets the x-axis rotation in degrees.
getY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Gets the value of the property y.
getY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Gets the value of the property y.
getY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.LineTo
Gets the value of the property y.
getY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo
Gets the value of the property y.
getY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Gets the value of the property y.
getY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Gets the value of the property y.
getY() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.VLineTo
Gets the value of the property y.


hasDashArray() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
hashCode() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box.BoxKey
hashCode() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder.CylinderKey
hashCode() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D.Key
hashCode() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere.SphereKey
hasStrokeDashArray() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
height - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Box.BoxKey
height - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
Defines the height or the Y dimension of the Box.
height - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder.CylinderKey
height - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
Defines the height or the Y dimension of the Cylinder.
height - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Defines the height of the rectangle.
heightProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
Defines the height or the Y dimension of the Box.
heightProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
Defines the height or the Y dimension of the Cylinder.
heightProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Defines the height of the rectangle.
HLineTo - Class in javafx.scene.shape
Creates a horizontal line path element from the current point to x.
HLineTo() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.HLineTo
Creates an empty instance of HLineTo.
HLineTo(double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.HLineTo
Creates an instance of HLineTo.


incRef() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
INITAL_CAPACITY - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
INSTANCE - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager.BoxCacheLoader
INSTANCE - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager.CylinderCacheLoader
INSTANCE - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
INSTANCE - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager.SphereCacheLoader
intersect(Shape, Shape) - Static method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Returns a new Shape which is created as an intersection of the specified input shapes.
invalidateBoxMesh(Shape3D.Key) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
invalidateCylinderMesh(Shape3D.Key) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
invalidated(<any>) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
invalidateMesh(Shape3D.Key) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager.TriangleMeshCache
invalidateSphereMesh(Shape3D.Key) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
isAbsolute() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PathElement
Gets the value of the property absolute.
isDirty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Mesh
isFaceSmoothingGroupValid - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
isFacesValid - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
isFirstPathElementValid() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
isLargeArcFlag() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Gets the value of the property largeArcFlag.
isNormalsValid - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
isPathValid - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
isPointsValid - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
isPredefinedShape - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
isSmooth() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Gets the value of the property smooth.
isSweepFlag() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Gets the value of the property sweepFlag.
isTexCoordsValid - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
isValidDirty - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh


javafx.scene.shape - package javafx.scene.shape


key - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
Key() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D.Key


largeArcFlag - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
The large arc flag.
largeArcFlagProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
The large arc flag.
length - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Defines the angular extent of the arc in degrees.
lengthProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Defines the angular extent of the arc in degrees.
Line - Class in javafx.scene.shape
This Line represents a line segment in (x,y) coordinate space.
Line() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Line
Creates an empty instance of Line.
Line(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Line
Creates a new instance of Line.
lineCap - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
lineCapProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
lineJoin - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
lineJoinProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
LineTo - Class in javafx.scene.shape
Creates a line path element by drawing a straight line from the current coordinate to the new coordinates.
LineTo() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.LineTo
Creates an empty instance of LineTo.
LineTo(double, double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.LineTo
Creates a new isntance of LineTo.
Listener(T) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh.Listener
LOAD_FACTOR - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager


manager - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
markDirty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh.Listener
markPathDirty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
material - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
Defines the material this Shape3D.
materialProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
Defines the material this Shape3D.
mesh - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
mesh - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
Mesh - Class in javafx.scene.shape
Base class for representing a 3D geometric surface.
Mesh() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Mesh
A constructor that is called by any Mesh implementation.
mesh - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.MeshView
Specifies the 3D mesh data of this MeshView.
mesh - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
meshHelper - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Mesh
meshProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MeshView
Specifies the 3D mesh data of this MeshView.
MeshView - Class in javafx.scene.shape
The MeshView class defines a surface with the specified 3D mesh data.
MeshView() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.MeshView
Creates a new instance of MeshView class.
MeshView(Mesh) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.MeshView
Creates a new instance of MeshView class with the specified Mesh surface.
MIN_STROKE_MITER_LIMIT - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
MIN_STROKE_WIDTH - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
miterLimit - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
miterLimitProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
mode - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
MoveTo - Class in javafx.scene.shape
Creates an addition to the path by moving to the specified coordinates.
MoveTo() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo
Creates an empty instance of MoveTo.
MoveTo(double, double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo
Creates a new instance of MoveTo.


name - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
nodes - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.PathElement
Defines the sequence of Path objects this path element is attached to.
NON_RECTILINEAR_TYPE_MASK - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
NON_RECTILINEAR_TYPE_MASK - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
NORMAL_ELEMENT_SIZE - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
normalIndexOffset - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
normals - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
normalsSyncer - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh


ObservableFaceArray - Interface in javafx.scene.shape
ObservableFaceArray is an int[] array that allows listeners to track changes when they occur.
old_fill - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
old_stroke - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
onChanged(T, boolean, int, int) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh.Listener


Path - Class in javafx.scene.shape
The Path class represents a simple shape and provides facilities required for basic construction and management of a geometric path.
Path() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Path
Creates an empty instance of Path.
Path(PathElement...) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Path
Creates a new instance of Path
Path(Collection<? extends PathElement>) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Path
Creates new instance of Path
path2d - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
path2d - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
PathElement - Class in javafx.scene.shape
The PathElement class represents an abstract element of the Path that can represent any geometric objects like straight lines, arcs, quadratic curves, cubic curves, etc.
PathElement() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.PathElement
pathElementHelper - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.PathElement
peer - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
platformImageChangeListener - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
POINT_ELEMENT_SIZE - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
POINT_NORMAL_TEXCOORD - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
Specifies the format of a vertex that consists of a point, normal and texture coordinates.
POINT_TEXCOORD - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
Specifies the format of a vertex that consists of a point and texture coordinates.
pointIndexOffset - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
points - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
Defines the coordinates of the polygon vertices.
points - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Polyline
Defines the coordinates of the polyline segments.
points - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
pointsSyncer - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Polygon - Class in javafx.scene.shape
Creates a polygon, defined by an array of x,y coordinates.
Polygon() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
Creates an empty instance of Polygon.
Polygon(double...) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
Creates a new instance of Polygon.
Polyline - Class in javafx.scene.shape
Creates a polyline, defined by the array of the segment points.
Polyline() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Polyline
Creates an empty instance of Polyline.
Polyline(double...) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Polyline
Creates a new instance of Polyline.
PredefinedMeshManager - Class in javafx.scene.shape
PredefinedMeshManager() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
PredefinedMeshManager.BoxCacheLoader - Class in javafx.scene.shape
PredefinedMeshManager.CylinderCacheLoader - Class in javafx.scene.shape
PredefinedMeshManager.SphereCacheLoader - Class in javafx.scene.shape
PredefinedMeshManager.TriangleMeshCache - Class in javafx.scene.shape
printStats() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
printStats(String) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager.TriangleMeshCache
put(Shape3D.Key, TriangleMesh) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager.TriangleMeshCache


QuadCurve - Class in javafx.scene.shape
The Quadcurve class defines a quadratic Bézier parametric curve segment in (x,y) coordinate space.
QuadCurve() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Creates an empty instance of QuadCurve.
QuadCurve(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Creates a new instance of QuadCurve.
QuadCurveTo - Class in javafx.scene.shape
Creates a curved path element, defined by two new points, by drawing a Quadratic Bézier curve that intersects both the current coordinates and the specified coordinates (x, y), using the specified point (controlX, controlY) as a Bézier control point.
QuadCurveTo() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Creates an empty instance of QuadCurveTo.
QuadCurveTo(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Creates a new instance of QuadCurveTo.


radius - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Defines the radius of the circle in pixels.
radius - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder.CylinderKey
radius - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
Defines the radius in the Z plane of the Cylinder.
radius - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
Defines the radius of the Sphere.
radius - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere.SphereKey
radiusProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Defines the radius of the circle in pixels.
radiusProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
Defines the radius in the Z plane of the Cylinder.
radiusProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
Defines the radius of the Sphere.
radiusX - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Defines the overall width (horizontal radius) of the full ellipse of which this arc is a partial section.
radiusX - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
The horizontal radius to use for the arc.
radiusX - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Defines the width of the ellipse in pixels.
radiusXProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Defines the overall width (horizontal radius) of the full ellipse of which this arc is a partial section.
radiusXProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
The horizontal radius to use for the arc.
radiusXProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Defines the width of the ellipse in pixels.
radiusY - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Defines the overall height (vertical radius) of the full ellipse of which this arc is a partial section.
radiusY - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
The vertical radius to use for the arc.
radiusY - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Defines the height of the ellipse in pixels.
radiusYProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Defines the overall height (vertical radius) of the full ellipse of which this arc is a partial section.
radiusYProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
The vertical radius to use for the arc.
radiusYProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Defines the height of the ellipse in pixels.
Rectangle - Class in javafx.scene.shape
The Rectangle class defines a rectangle with the specified size and location.
Rectangle() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Creates an empty instance of Rectangle.
Rectangle(double, double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Creates a new instance of Rectangle with the given size.
Rectangle(double, double, Paint) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Creates a new instance of Rectangle with the given size and fill.
Rectangle(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Creates a new instance of Rectangle with the given position and size.
Rectangle.StyleableProperties - Class in javafx.scene.shape
* Stylesheet Handling * *
refCount - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
removeNode(Node) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PathElement


setAbsolute(boolean) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PathElement
Sets the value of the property absolute.
setArcHeight(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Sets the value of the property arcHeight.
setArcWidth(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Sets the value of the property arcWidth.
setCenterX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Sets the value of the property centerX.
setCenterX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Sets the value of the property centerX.
setCenterX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Sets the value of the property centerX.
setCenterY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Sets the value of the property centerY.
setCenterY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Sets the value of the property centerY.
setCenterY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Sets the value of the property centerY.
setContent(String) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
Sets the value of the property content.
setControlX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Sets the value of the property controlX.
setControlX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Sets the value of the property controlX.
setControlX1(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Sets the value of the property controlX1.
setControlX1(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Sets the value of the property controlX1.
setControlX2(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Sets the value of the property controlX2.
setControlX2(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Sets the value of the property controlX2.
setControlY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Sets the value of the property controlY.
setControlY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Sets the value of the property controlY.
setControlY1(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Sets the value of the property controlY1.
setControlY1(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Sets the value of the property controlY1.
setControlY2(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Sets the value of the property controlY2.
setControlY2(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Sets the value of the property controlY2.
setCullFace(CullFace) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
Sets the value of the property cullFace.
setDepth(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
Sets the value of the property depth.
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Mesh
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh.Listener
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
setDrawMode(DrawMode) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
Sets the value of the property drawMode.
setEndX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Sets the value of the property endX.
setEndX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
Sets the value of the property endX.
setEndX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Sets the value of the property endX.
setEndY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Sets the value of the property endY.
setEndY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
Sets the value of the property endY.
setEndY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Sets the value of the property endY.
setFill(Paint) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Sets the value of the property fill.
setFillRule(FillRule) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
Sets the value of the property fillRule.
setFillRule(FillRule) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
Sets the value of the property fillRule.
setHeight(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
Sets the value of the property height.
setHeight(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
Sets the value of the property height.
setHeight(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Sets the value of the property height.
setLargeArcFlag(boolean) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Sets the value of the property largeArcFlag.
setLength(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Sets the value of the property length.
setMaterial(Material) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
Sets the value of the property material.
setMesh(Mesh) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MeshView
Sets the value of the property mesh.
setMode(NGShape.Mode) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
setRadius(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Sets the value of the property radius.
setRadius(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Cylinder
Sets the value of the property radius.
setRadius(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
Sets the value of the property radius.
setRadiusX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Sets the value of the property radiusX.
setRadiusX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Sets the value of the property radiusX.
setRadiusX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Sets the value of the property radiusX.
setRadiusY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Sets the value of the property radiusY.
setRadiusY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Sets the value of the property radiusY.
setRadiusY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Sets the value of the property radiusY.
setShapeChangeListener(Runnable) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
setSmooth(boolean) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Sets the value of the property smooth.
setStartAngle(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Sets the value of the property startAngle.
setStartX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Sets the value of the property startX.
setStartX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
Sets the value of the property startX.
setStartX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Sets the value of the property startX.
setStartY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Sets the value of the property startY.
setStartY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
Sets the value of the property startY.
setStartY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Sets the value of the property startY.
setStroke(Paint) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Sets the value of the property stroke.
setStrokeDashOffset(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Sets the value of the property strokeDashOffset.
setStrokeLineCap(StrokeLineCap) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Sets the value of the property strokeLineCap.
setStrokeLineJoin(StrokeLineJoin) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Sets the value of the property strokeLineJoin.
setStrokeMiterLimit(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Sets the value of the property strokeMiterLimit.
setStrokeType(StrokeType) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Sets the value of the property strokeType.
setStrokeWidth(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Sets the value of the property strokeWidth.
setSweepFlag(boolean) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Sets the value of the property sweepFlag.
setType(ArcType) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Sets the value of the property type.
setVertexFormat(VertexFormat) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Sets the value of the property vertexFormat.
setWidth(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
Sets the value of the property width.
setWidth(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Sets the value of the property width.
setX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Sets the value of the property x.
setX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Sets the value of the property x.
setX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.HLineTo
Sets the value of the property x.
setX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.LineTo
Sets the value of the property x.
setX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo
Sets the value of the property x.
setX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Sets the value of the property x.
setX(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Sets the value of the property x.
setXAxisRotation(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Sets the x-axis rotation in degrees.
setY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Sets the value of the property y.
setY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Sets the value of the property y.
setY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.LineTo
Sets the value of the property y.
setY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo
Sets the value of the property y.
setY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Sets the value of the property y.
setY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Sets the value of the property y.
setY(double) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.VLineTo
Sets the value of the property y.
shape - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
shape - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
shape - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
shape - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
shape - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
shape - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
shape - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Polyline
shape - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
shape - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Shape - Class in javafx.scene.shape
The Shape class provides definitions of common properties for objects that represent some form of geometric shape.
Shape() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Creates an empty instance of Shape.
Shape.StrokeAttributes - Class in javafx.scene.shape
Shape.StyleableProperties - Class in javafx.scene.shape
Shape3D - Class in javafx.scene.shape
The Shape3D base class provides definitions of common properties for objects that represent some form of 3D geometric shape.
Shape3D() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Shape3D
Shape3D.Key - Class in javafx.scene.shape
Used by the caching mechanism to compare between instances of the same shape.
shapeChangeListener - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
size() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager.TriangleMeshCache
smooth - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Defines whether antialiasing hints are used or not for this Shape.
SMOOTH - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StyleableProperties
smoothProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Defines whether antialiasing hints are used or not for this Shape.
Sphere - Class in javafx.scene.shape
The Sphere class defines a 3 dimensional sphere with the specified size.
Sphere() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
Creates a new instance of Sphere with radius of 1.0.
Sphere(double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
Creates a new instance of Sphere with the given radius.
Sphere(double, int) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere
Creates a new instance of Sphere with the given radius and number of divisions.
Sphere.SphereKey - Class in javafx.scene.shape
sphereCache - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
SphereCacheLoader() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager.SphereCacheLoader
SphereKey(double, int) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Sphere.SphereKey
startAngle - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Defines the starting angle of the arc in degrees.
startAngleProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Defines the starting angle of the arc in degrees.
startX - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Defines the X coordinate of the start point of the cubic curve segment.
startX - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
The X coordinate of the start point of the line segment.
startX - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Defines the X coordinate of the start point of the quadratic curve segment.
startXProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Defines the X coordinate of the start point of the cubic curve segment.
startXProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
The X coordinate of the start point of the line segment.
startXProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Defines the X coordinate of the start point of the quadratic curve segment.
startY - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Defines the Y coordinate of the start point of the cubic curve segment.
startY - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
The Y coordinate of the start point of the line segment.
startY - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Defines the Y coordinate of the start point of the quadratic curve segment.
startYProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Defines the Y coordinate of the start point of the cubic curve segment.
startYProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
The Y coordinate of the start point of the line segment.
startYProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Defines the Y coordinate of the start point of the quadratic curve segment.
stroke - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Defines parameters of a stroke that is drawn around the outline of a Shape using the settings of the specified Paint.
STROKE - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StyleableProperties
STROKE_DASH_ARRAY - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StyleableProperties
STROKE_DASH_OFFSET - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StyleableProperties
STROKE_LINE_CAP - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StyleableProperties
STROKE_LINE_JOIN - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StyleableProperties
STROKE_MITER_LIMIT - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StyleableProperties
STROKE_TYPE - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StyleableProperties
STROKE_WIDTH - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StyleableProperties
strokeAttributes - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
StrokeAttributes() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
strokeAttributesDirty - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
strokeDashOffsetProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Defines a distance specified in user coordinates that represents an offset into the dashing pattern.
StrokeLineCap - Enum in javafx.scene.shape
Defines the end cap style of a Shape.
StrokeLineCap() - Constructor for enum javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineCap
strokeLineCapProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
The end cap style of this Shape as one of the following values that define possible end cap styles: StrokeLineCap.BUTT, StrokeLineCap.ROUND, and StrokeLineCap.SQUARE.
StrokeLineJoin - Enum in javafx.scene.shape
Defines the line join style of a Shape.
StrokeLineJoin() - Constructor for enum javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineJoin
strokeLineJoinProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Defines the decoration applied where path segments meet.
strokeMiterLimitProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Defines the limit for the StrokeLineJoin.MITER line join style.
strokeProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Defines parameters of a stroke that is drawn around the outline of a Shape using the settings of the specified Paint.
StrokeType - Enum in javafx.scene.shape
Defines where to draw the stroke around the boundary of a Shape node.
StrokeType() - Constructor for enum javafx.scene.shape.StrokeType
strokeTypeProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Defines the direction (inside, centered, or outside) that the strokeWidth is applied to the boundary of the shape.
strokeWidthProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Defines a square pen line width.
StyleableProperties() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle.StyleableProperties
StyleableProperties() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StyleableProperties
STYLEABLES - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle.StyleableProperties
STYLEABLES - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StyleableProperties
subtract(Shape, Shape) - Static method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Returns a new Shape which is created by subtracting the specified second shape from the first shape.
SVGPath - Class in javafx.scene.shape
The SVGPath class represents a simple shape that is constructed by parsing SVG path data from a String.
SVGPath() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
Creates an empty instance of SVGPath.
svgPathObject - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
sweepFlag - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
The sweep flag
sweepFlagProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
The sweep flag
syncTo(float[], int[]) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh.Listener
syncTo(int[], int[]) - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh.Listener


test_clearCaches() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
Note: The only user of this method is in unit test: PredefinedMeshManagerTest.
test_getBoxCacheSize() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
Note: The only user of this method is in unit test: PredefinedMeshManagerTest.
test_getCylinderCacheSize() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
Note: The only user of this method is in unit test: PredefinedMeshManagerTest.
test_getSphereCacheSize() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager
Note: The only user of this method is in unit test: PredefinedMeshManagerTest.
TEXCOORD_ELEMENT_SIZE - Static variable in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
texCoordIndexOffset - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
texCoords - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
texCoordsSyncer - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
toPGDashArray(List<Double>) - Static method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Returns a string representation of this Arc object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
Returns a string representation of this ArcTo object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Circle
Returns a string representation of this Circle object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ClosePath
Returns a string representation of this ArcTo object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurve
Returns a string representation of this CubicCurve object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Returns a string representation of this CubicCurveTo object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse
Returns a string representation of this Ellipse object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.HLineTo
Returns a string representation of this HLineTo object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Line
Returns a string representation of this Line object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.LineTo
Returns a string representation of this LineTo object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo
Returns a string representation of this MoveTo object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Path
Returns a string representation of this Path object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
Returns a string representation of this Polygon object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Polyline
Returns a string representation of this Polyline object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve
Returns a string representation of this QuadCurve object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Returns a string representation of this CubicCurveTo object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Returns a string representation of this Rectangle object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath
Returns a string representation of this SVGPath object.
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
toString() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.VLineTo
Returns a string representation of this VLineTo object.
TriangleMesh - Class in javafx.scene.shape
Defines a 3D triangle mesh that consists of its associated VertexFormat and a set of separate arrays of vertex components such as points, normals, texture coordinates, and an array of faces that define the individual triangles of the mesh.
TriangleMesh() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Creates a new instance of TriangleMesh class with the default VertexFormat.POINT_TEXCOORD format type.
TriangleMesh(VertexFormat) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Creates a new instance of TriangleMesh class with the specified VertexFormat.
TriangleMesh(boolean) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
TriangleMesh.Listener<T extends <any>> - Class in javafx.scene.shape
TriangleMeshCache() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.PredefinedMeshManager.TriangleMeshCache
type - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Defines the closure type for the arc: ArcType.OPEN, ArcType.CHORD,or ArcType.ROUND.
type - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
typeProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Arc
Defines the closure type for the arc: ArcType.OPEN, ArcType.CHORD,or ArcType.ROUND.
typeProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes


u() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.PathElement
union(Shape, Shape) - Static method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape
Returns a new Shape which is created as a union of the specified input shapes.
updatePG() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Mesh
updatePG() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
updatePGShape() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape


validate() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
validateFaces() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
validateFaceSmoothingGroups() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
validateNormals() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
validatePoints() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
validateTexCoords() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javafx.scene.shape.ArcType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javafx.scene.shape.CullFace
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javafx.scene.shape.DrawMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javafx.scene.shape.FillRule
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineCap
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineJoin
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javafx.scene.shape.StrokeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum javafx.scene.shape.ArcType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum javafx.scene.shape.CullFace
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum javafx.scene.shape.DrawMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum javafx.scene.shape.FillRule
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineCap
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineJoin
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum javafx.scene.shape.StrokeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
vertexFormat - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Specifies the vertex format of this TriangleMesh, one of VertexFormat.POINT_TEXCOORD or VertexFormat.POINT_NORMAL_TEXCOORD.
VertexFormat - Class in javafx.scene.shape
Defines the format of the vertices in a mesh.
VertexFormat(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
vertexFormatProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.TriangleMesh
Specifies the vertex format of this TriangleMesh, one of VertexFormat.POINT_TEXCOORD or VertexFormat.POINT_NORMAL_TEXCOORD.
vertexIndexSize - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.VertexFormat
VLineTo - Class in javafx.scene.shape
Creates a vertical line path element from the current point to y.
VLineTo() - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.VLineTo
Creates an empty instance of VLineTo.
VLineTo(double) - Constructor for class javafx.scene.shape.VLineTo
Creates an instance of VLineTo.


width - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Box.BoxKey
width - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
Defines the width or the X dimension of the Box.
width - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Defines the width of the rectangle.
width - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes
widthProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Box
Defines the width or the X dimension of the Box.
widthProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Defines the width of the rectangle.
widthProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Shape.StrokeAttributes


x - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
The x coordinate to arc to.
x - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Defines the X coordinate of the final end point.
x - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.HLineTo
Defines the X coordinate.
x - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.LineTo
Defines the X coordinate.
x - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo
Defines the specified X coordinate.
x - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Defines the X coordinate of the final end point.
x - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Defines the X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
xAxisRotation - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
The x-axis rotation in degrees.
XAxisRotationProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
The x-axis rotation in degrees.
xProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
The x coordinate to arc to.
xProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Defines the X coordinate of the final end point.
xProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.HLineTo
Defines the X coordinate.
xProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.LineTo
Defines the X coordinate.
xProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo
Defines the specified X coordinate.
xProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Defines the X coordinate of the final end point.
xProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Defines the X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.


y - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
The y coordinate to arc to.
y - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Defines the Y coordinate of the final end point.
y - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.LineTo
Defines the Y coordinate.
y - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo
Defines the specified Y coordinate.
y - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Defines the Y coordinate of the final end point.
y - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Defines the Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
y - Variable in class javafx.scene.shape.VLineTo
Defines the Y coordinate.
yProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo
The y coordinate to arc to.
yProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo
Defines the Y coordinate of the final end point.
yProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.LineTo
Defines the Y coordinate.
yProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo
Defines the specified Y coordinate.
yProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurveTo
Defines the Y coordinate of the final end point.
yProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
Defines the Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
yProperty() - Method in class javafx.scene.shape.VLineTo
Defines the Y coordinate.
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